Subscription-based shopping services are booming, with an increasing array of products and services available. But which types of products are consumers most likely to use subscription shopping services for?

GlobalData’s latest Q4 2018 global consumer survey reveals that consumers globally are most likely to be interested in a regular subscription-based service to buy products for their children compared to other types of goods, including food, beverages, household and beauty products. Indeed 29% of parents globally claim to be already actively using regular subscriptions to buy products for their children, with a further 34% interested in doing so in future.

Services such as Raised Real in California and Kit & Kin in the UK are capitalizing on this demand. Raised Real offers frozen, organically sourced plant-based ready meals for babies delivered straight to the home at a frequency of every 2 or 4 weeks. Kit & Kin offers nappies by subscription at a frequency to suit the consumer anywhere from every week to every 12 weeks.